Candle Reflector

The limited light provided by a candle could be increased by reflecting as much of it as possible, by means of a polished reflector. Sconces, comprising a candle holder and attached back-plate reflector, were usually wall-mounted. Reflectors without candle holders are less common, but were easily portable and could be placed behind any candlestick, or indeed anywhere requiring extra light.
This octagonal reflector is made of substantial sheet brass and its repoussé decoration of flowers, fruit, beading and rope gadrooning is designed to catch the light and sparkle brightly: It is unusual in bearing the name ‘Gerdt Casper Clasen’ – presumably the owner – and the date ‘ Ao 1702’. Its shape is similar to that of Dutch reflectors of the period, but the decoration and indeed the owner’s name are equally consistent with Scandinavian origin.
- Peter Hornsby, Collecting Antique Copper and Brass, Moorland Publishing, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, 1989, ISBN 0861901185, pp. 54, 96, pl. 2